Enjoying His GRACE
Knowing His BIBLE
Building His CHURCH

Sermons (Page 14)

The faithful preaching of God’s word is at the heart of our worship.  We make our sermons available here for the benefit of the members and regular attenders of Grace Bible Church Holland Park.  We would encourage you to regularly sit under the teaching of your local church.

Our responsibility in the midst of life's many vanities is to hear God and fear God.
If God is humbling you, it may just be so that He can use you.
A true shepherd is so jealous for Christ’s church they will go to extreme measures to protect the flock. A false shepherd is so jealous for their own kingdom they…
Through all the seasons of life, God holds our times in His hands.
A humble leader knows they are nothing and Christ is everything, so, they will not seek personal vindication, but they will fight boldly for Christ’s honour, gospel and church.
True joy comes only from the hand of God
Seeking gain in this fallen world will leave you empty handed
If you want to be blessed – give!
The Spirit empowers YOU to bring the lost home!