Enjoying His GRACE
Knowing His BIBLE
Building His CHURCH

Sermons (Page 18)

The faithful preaching of God’s word is at the heart of our worship.  We make our sermons available here for the benefit of the members and regular attenders of Grace Bible Church Holland Park.  We would encourage you to regularly sit under the teaching of your local church.

If a church leader is not of God they are of Satan. So, choose wisely who you are yoked to in gospel ministry.
Vengeance belongs to the LORD - he will repay!
Ambassadors – while we yet walk in the land of the dying – we have a ministry of pleading with the dying to live.
The King we need is the one who protects and provides for his people.
As slaves of Christ, our retirement plan is – we cannot retire from ministry.
Men may plot all they want - but God's kingdom purposes will prevail.
We have the greatest of privileges: to proclaim the Son has come, so behold His glory – and live.
King Jesus is presently conquering His enemies to the ends of the earth.
God graciously gives us the King we don't deserve.
If a man: chooses to die to self; preaches death and the dead come to life those are good reasons to believe he is a true servant of God