Enjoying His GRACE
Knowing His BIBLE
Building His CHURCH

Sermons (Page 20)

The faithful preaching of God’s word is at the heart of our worship.  We make our sermons available here for the benefit of the members and regular attenders of Grace Bible Church Holland Park.  We would encourage you to regularly sit under the teaching of your local church.

We must strive to see our family united and sanctified until He comes.
The goal of Christian parenting is the way of obedience to Jesus.
Although we are living in the last days, are you living for the last day?
Scripture is full of promises for the future which will help you find comfort in your present worries until He comes.

Why Did Jesus Die

June 12, 2022

When the message is hard, and our faith is fading, we must ultimately trust in the One who has the words of eternal life.
God's will is your sanctification.
By His grace, God the Father sovereignly saves every single one of His children in Christ.
Be strengthened and encouraged to stand firm in the faith until He comes.
Living for Christ until he comes is worth the suffering.