Enjoying His GRACE
Knowing His BIBLE
Building His CHURCH

Sermons (Page 30)

The faithful preaching of God’s word is at the heart of our worship.  We make our sermons available here for the benefit of the members and regular attenders of Grace Bible Church Holland Park.  We would encourage you to regularly sit under the teaching of your local church.

We have been made by Jesus and for Jesus to enter into the fullness of eternal life!
Cultivate gospel gratitude for God's powerful work in the true gospel.

Hope From the Depths

February 28, 2021
In the depths of our sin, our only hope is in the unfailing love and forgiveness of the LORD
Incomplete communication of God’s word without understanding is a recipe for chaos. Accurate communication of God’s word with understanding is a basis for edification.

Why do some people accept the gospel while others reject it?  Why are some people saved the first time they hear the gospel and others hear it repeatedly before it…

Take Heed, Don’t Drift

February 7, 2021
We must give earnest heed to the gospel, lest we drift from it to the detriment of our souls.
Limited atonement proclaims that Christ’s love for me is without limit.
God chooses us in Love, for His good purposes, to display His Glory.
Total Depravity declares to us that people will never desire God unless God first changes their heart…