Enjoying His GRACE
Knowing His BIBLE
Building His CHURCH

Sermons (Page 42)

The faithful preaching of God’s word is at the heart of our worship.  We make our sermons available here for the benefit of the members and regular attenders of Grace Bible Church Holland Park.  We would encourage you to regularly sit under the teaching of your local church.

According to the Apostle Paul there is no such thing as a boring testimony. Every single Christian has been saved by no less than the powerful working of God through…
Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast save in the death of Christ, my God
Paul prays for the eyes of our hearts to see and to know all the beauty and riches Christ has given to us!
The curse of awesome leadership is the temptation to give your allegiance to a man rather than to Christ.

Jude’s Doxology

February 24, 2019
To Him who is able.
We are continually failing in our battle against temptation & sin, and Jesus tells us why. We need a greater love than our sin.
You love a flawed church by remembering God’s grace
This petition in The Lord's Prayer is the most terrifying petition we can pray...
How often do you and I remember to ask God and thank Him for the simple & basic necessities of life?
Jesus offers you the opportunity to be used by Him to reach this world.